A.R.R. Ash is a lifelong fan of both science fiction and fantasy, though he typically focuses his talents on writing dark, epic fantasy (particularly grimdark). His first independently published novel, The Moroi Hunters, is available digitally and in print through LMPBooks.com/store. He has had short stories appear in several anthologies, including Socially Distant: The Quarantales, Hidden Villains, and the upcoming
Hidden Villains: Arise.
He has received a Silver Honorable Mention and four Honorable Mentions from
the L. Ron Hubbard’s Writers of the Future Contest. Those stories are available to read at the above
website. Xy: Descent, the first book of his The First Godling trilogy, is undergoing editing, and he
continues to make progress on The Tribe of Fangs, a prequel novel to The Moroi Hunters.
In other trivia, his favorite dishes are burgers and sushi (but not together), his favorite series is Dune,
though The Expanse by James S. A. Corey is making a run for the title, and his sense of humor is
decidedly an acquired taste. You can learn more about A.R.R. Ash, including watching his interview with
Cursed Dragon Ship Publishing, and contact him at LMPBooks.com.
- The Moroi Hunters (novel)
- “The Last Necromancer” in the Hidden Villains anthology by Inkd Publishing
- “Chapter 16” in the anthology Socially Distant: The Quarantales by Impulsive Walrus Books
- A Mother’s Love in Behind the Shadows anthology by Inkd Publishing
- The Vagrant in Hidden Villains: Arise anthology by Inkd Publishing